Monday, May 4, 2020

Wear Face Mask to Slow the Pandemic (Fight Against COVID19)

The number of Covid-19 cases are on the rise. Under this crisis, one after the other country is making it a mandate to wear face masks in public. From streets to stores, people wearing face masks is a common sight. Besides the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and many medical organizations are highly recommending to wear face masks in this pandemic.

To Block The Transmission Of The Virus

Covid-19 is an acute respiratory syndrome. The germs from this disease generally spread through the nose and mouth. When one speaks, hundreds of droplets are always coming out of their mouth. This is one of the most important reasons why wearing a face mask is so important. A significant portion of the people suffering from Covid-19 do not exhibit symptoms or by the time they show symptoms, they have already spread the disease to several others. As per data, most of the coronavirus spread occurs before the patient starts showing Covid-19 symptoms. So, in case someone is suffering from cold, flu, sore throat or fever, it is highly suggested that they cover up their nose and mouth with face masks. This is an important step in the prevention of the spread of the pandemic.

To Prevent Breathing In The Virus

It is advisable to keep the mouth and nose covered to keep the coronavirus at bay. Coronavirus is an airborne germ and there are high changes that when anyone is exposed to the cough or nasal droplets of the affected person, the disease may spread. So, it is very important to keep the nose and mouth covered to avoid the germs from getting into the body. Another critical point raised by the scientists is, people who have cured from the Covid-19 disease may not be immune to the virus. So, it is important for them as well to wear masks and stay away from the coronavirus.

To Stay Away From Organic Fluids

There is no doubt about the fact that it is extremely important for medical professionals, doctors and nurses to wear face masks. The reason being, they are often directly exposed to Covid-19 patients. The virus can get into the body directly through organic fluids like blood. Special N95 and N99 respirators are suggested for healthcare workers and people who are treating and taking care of Covid-19 patients. Another important fact to know is, even if a person infected with coronavirus just speaks, breathes or sings, the droplets coming out may infect the person in front. Once these masks are removed, these should not be re-worn to avoid any contamination.

While you want to stay protected from the Covid-19 disease through masks, these should be regularly washed or disposed to prevent infections. While N95 and N99 respirators should be disposed off as soon as these come in contact with nasal droplets or any other organic fluid, the cloth masks may be washed and reused.

If you want to win the battle against Covid-19, then you cannot ignore face masks. Wearing a face mask can make a big difference in this fight. Covid-19 fight. Get a high-quality face mask today from Rhysley and ensure that you are not breathing in the virus. We are taking orders both in India and across the world.

RHYSLEY is a Canadian based personal protective equipment manufacturer. Our manufacturing units are located in India. We have stock on 2-ply face masks, 3-ply face masks, surgical face masks and R-N95 respirator masks. For more information, please visit our website

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